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Electric Fires: Some of your most common questions answered

Updated: Oct 13, 2023

For many of us, an electric fire is a beautiful supplement to our central heating system.

Their sleek design, ease of installation and convenience has made them a staple in Irish homes for decades. However, with the current cost of living crisis and energy costs, particularly electricity, increasing, people have questions about electric fires; as one of Ireland's longest-established electric fire retailers, our experts often answer these questions. Therefore to make this information more accessible to anyone considering an electric fire, we have compiled the most common questions below.




Electric fires can be a good choice for many people, depending on their needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of electric fires:

Convenience: Electric fires are generally very easy to use. They can be turned on and off with the flip of a switch or a button, and they don't require any special ventilation or fuel storage.

Energy efficiency: Electric fires are generally more energy efficient than traditional wood-burning or gas-burning fireplaces, as they don't lose heat through a chimney or require the burning of fossil fuels.

Safety: Electric fires are generally considered safer than traditional fireplaces, as they don't emit harmful fumes or sparks that could start a fire.

Aesthetics: Electric fires come in various styles and designs and can often be customised to fit a homeowner's specific aesthetic preferences.

Heating power: Electric fires can vary in their heating power, depending on the specific model. Some electric fires are designed primarily for decorative purposes, while others are designed to provide significant heat output.

Overall, electric fires are an excellent choice for homeowners who want the ambience of a fireplace without the hassle or potential safety concerns of a traditional fireplace. However, it's essential to carefully evaluate the specific features and capabilities of different electric fire models to ensure you choose one that meets your needs and preferences.




When it comes to efficiency, there are a few factors to consider when choosing an electric fire:

Wattage: The higher the wattage of an electric fire, the more heat it will generate. However, higher wattage also means higher energy consumption. Look for an electric fire with a wattage that matches the size of the room you want to heat.

Thermostat: An electric fire with a thermostat allows you to set the temperature you want to maintain in a room, which can help you save energy by preventing the heater from running unnecessarily.

Insulation: Some electric fires come with insulation to help prevent heat loss. This can help to improve the efficiency of the heater.

LED technology: Some electric fires use LED technology to simulate the look of a real flame. These models tend to be more energy-efficient than those with traditional light bulbs.


Ultimately, the most efficient electric fire for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Be sure to carefully evaluate the features and capabilities of different models to find the one that best meets your needs.




Electric fires work by converting electrical energy into heat, which is then used to create the illusion of a flame. Here's how they work in more detail:

Heating element: Electric fires use a heating element to generate heat. The part is usually made of metal, such as nichrome, and is heated up by an electrical current.

Fan: Many electric fires also use a fan to distribute the heat throughout the room. The fan draws cool air into the unit and passes it over the heating element, warming the atmosphere. The warm air is blown out of the unit and into the room.

Flame effect: To create the illusion of a flame, electric fires use various techniques. Some models use LED lights to create a flickering flame effect, while others use mirrors or rotating cylinders to create the appearance of flames.

Controls: Electric fires usually come with various controls that allow you to adjust the heat output and flame effect. Some models even come with remote controls that will enable you to change the settings from a distance.

Electric fires are a convenient and efficient way to add warmth and ambience to a room. They are also generally safer than traditional fireplaces, as they don't produce harmful fumes or sparks.




Flame effect electric fires work by combining lights, mirrors, and rotating cylinders to create the illusion of flames. Here's how they work in more detail:

LED lights: Many flame-effect electric fires use LED lights to create a flickering flame effect. The lights are usually arranged in a pattern that simulates the appearance of real flames, and they may be coloured to create the impression of a glowing ember bed.

Mirrors: Some flame-effect electric fires use mirrors to create the illusion of flames. The mirrors are usually angled to reflect the light from the LEDs in a way that creates a flickering, dancing flame effect.

Rotating cylinders: Another technique used in flame effect electric fires involves rotating cylinders. The cylinders are usually covered in a flame pattern, and they rotate at varying speeds to create the appearance of flames.

Controls: Flame effect electric fires usually come with rules that allow you to adjust the speed and intensity of the flame effect. Some models even come with a dimmer switch that will enable you to adjust the brightness of the LEDs.

Overall, flame-effect electric fires are a popular choice because they provide the ambience of a real fireplace without the hassle or safety concerns of burning wood or gas. LED lights, mirrors, and rotating cylinders allow for various flame effects, so you can choose the one that best suits your style and preferences.


The above is not an exhaustive list; we're sure you'll have specific questions about your unique needs. Please get in touch with us to discuss anything to do with electric fires. 

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